What is YOUR Style?

Изберете од 25-те интернационални вина на Tussock Jumper. За најмалку 3 Tussock Jumper вина – БЕСПЛАТНА ДОСТАВА низ цела Македонија. Во Скопје – очекувајте ги своите вина уште следниот ден.

Подготвивме 20+ понуди – за различни пригоди, расположенија и карактери. Изборот е Ваш, како и попустите од 15%, 20%, 25% и 30%

In Our Store

Toast to yourself, or show someone else how special they are.

Our Services

In collaboration with Wine Way - Centre for wine education and organization of wine events, we offer:

With the help of our Sommeliers - explore the world of wine, and spirits - from the comfort of your own home or your favorite location.

We put our expertise in wine/spirits-themed activities to your service by organizing customized corporate events with a high networking potential, as well as team-building activities.

We create websites & digital marketing tailored for wine businesses - catering to the specific style of YOUR wine business. 

Are you a wine novice (Level 1), passionate wine enthusiast or entering the wine industry (Level 2), already a wine professional (Level 3) - choose your Level, invest in yourself and get an internationally recognized wine certification.

Are you starting a career in the spirits industry (Level 2), or are you pursuing an interest in spirits (Level 1) - check which qualification is the one for you.

What is in YOUR glass?